Friday 27 April 2007

Native Symbian fstream implementation for STLport is done

As I mentioned in my previous post, the first attempt of porting the fstream component of STLport to Symbian OS using plain stdio functions (provided by OpenC) didn't produce good results. Performance was far from being acceptable, and the library had serious stability issues.
I've now implemented the fstream core in terms of native Symbian OS calls (RFs, RFile and the like) and the overall performance has sensibly improved. I don't get panics or strange behaviours anymore. Of course I can't guarantee it's 100% safe, as dealing with STLport code is not an easy task, and I'm a novice Symbian developer. Anyway, my implementation has passed all STLport regression tests, so I'm pretty optimistic.

The good news is, now all 385 unit tests pass on both the emulator and the device!

Today I've spent a lot of time trying to compile a simple "hello world" program based on STLport from the Carbide.c++ 1.1 Express IDE, with no luck. Although the app compiled and linked just fine from the command line (ABLD), the Carbide build process resulted in compiler failures (presumably caused by incorrect order of include paths) and mysterious linker errors. Fortunately the new Carbide.c++ 1.2 is now available for download (if only I had discovered it yesterday!). I'm pleased to say that this new version is much more robust and reliable than the previous one. More important, my STL-based "hello world" application builds and runs perfectly with Carbide.c++ 1.2.

So, I'm now in the final stages: recompile everything, double-check everything, write some README.blah.blah files and make the release. This is going to happen next week, however, as I'm taking a short holiday on Labour day.

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